Published inAWS in Plain EnglishHow I Migrated a Static Website from Amplify to S3 and Cloud Fronthow I migrated my static website built in HUGO framework hosted from AWS Amplify to host using S3 to and CloudFrontAug 20, 20211Aug 20, 20211
Published inAWS in Plain EnglishTerraform Essentials for AWSThe main of this post is to show how to build infrastructure on AWS from Terraform using Infrastructure as CodeAug 19, 20212Aug 19, 20212
Published inAWS in Plain EnglishAn Introduction to Kubernetes Operations: Set Up a Kubernetes Cluster on AWS using kOpsIn this post, I’m going to introduce the concept of kOps — Kubernetes Operations — why you should use it, its advantages, and an overview.Aug 18, 20212Aug 18, 20212
Published inAWS in Plain EnglishBackup your file server or any data using Hybrid Cloud — Storage Gateway Solution (AWS)In this post, I’ll show AWS Storage Gateway solutions to bridge between on-premise data to cloud.Aug 17, 2021Aug 17, 2021
Published inAWS in Plain EnglishCI/CD with GitLab, Kubernetes (EKS) and HelmWe are going to build and deploy a simple blog web page developed in Python using flask. Then, we will build a CI/CD process using GitLab…Aug 13, 20211Aug 13, 20211